1. Korea Auction Main Services
- Real estate auction information in 60 courts nationwide
-Real-time successful bid price/name of successful bidder/number of bids
-Registered copy/registration details information
-Information of the Land Use Planning Institute
-Building ledger service
- Investigation history of moving-in households
-Unpaid management fee information service
-All auction items right analysis/expected dividend table
-Estimated yield analysis/estimated winning bid price
-Bet on lightness/india quote
-Estimate the cost of ownership transfer registration
- Real estate/apartment price information
-Successful bid rate statistics information
-Information on similar successful bids nearby
-Scheduled item details
2. Korea Auction Additional/Other Services
-Total auction consulting service
-Auction related free consultation service
-Auction consulting service
-NPL Consulting Service
-Consulting report service
-Legal/Lending/Personalization/Delivery Services
-Branch/Merchant service
-Recommended nationwide auction product information service
-Independent/joint investment auction service
-Electronic/satellite map, road view, cadastral map service
-Auction video lecture service
-NPL service
-Nearby real estate information
- Information on the local community center
- Personal property/auction information
-Short sale information
-Theme search information
-Customer popular item information
-Auction data room including various real estate-related forms
-Service for using the 'Set the winning bid' event